Just look at this fantastic T-60 power armor, which Redditor hirocreations built over a 140-day continuous 3D printing marathon. While we’d be tempted to cut corners left and right, some makers absolutely love these kinds of gargantuan projects and completely throw themselves on the details. Even this relatively modest 3D printed Iron Man costume was the result of about 14 months of work.

That is, until you learn exactly how much time they take to build. (This is available to June and July subscribers, along with the Explorator Land Shark and Remora Scout Car).Is there anything cooler than 3D printed armor? To us, 3D printed Iron Man or Batman suits easily win any Con we visit, and those creations inspire us to fire up new 3D printing projects immediately.

This mighty metal behemoth has been a labour of love and I’m incredibly pleased with the final results.I’m very very pleased to announce that the much delayed Apex Legion Strike Tank has finally deployed from the armoury and is now available to all Apex Legion Commanders!.This will be available to June and July subscribers due to its late arrival.I’m pleased to reveal the “Land Shark” – a long range expeditionary vehicle.As alluded to in the last “State of the Legion” address, there was a second tank reward for June subs.We’ll take a look at what you can score this month and the details behind the Patreon let’s check it out! Apex Tabletop July Patreon Has Amazing Vehicle Files! However, with the rebranding, they will bring more minis and STLs than ever! So, if you liked what they did before, things only look to be going up from there!

They already have a bunch of really cool STLs and resin minis but are constantly adding more. Dark Age Design has rebranded to Apex Tabletop, and their July Patreon has some amazing 3d STL vehicle files to print out!