Canvas returns an error shortly after hitting the slice button. I have tried to slice with Slic3r/Prusaslicer engine several times and have been unsuccessful each time. Canvas is so core to Palette printing it would be nice to know what is coming/planned and would certainly curtail many of my posts. What is frustrating is that we don't get any feedback as to any future plans/upgrades for Canvas. I think it could expedite development and getting features into the pipeline. It would be cool if they held more of them covering threads like this one and at open it up for discussion/feedback/feature requests. Mosaic had a really informative livestream last night. What about commercial or manufacturing entities that are interested in incorporating the Elements and Arrays into their workflows or production environments?

Why not have a toggle that exposes more advanced settings similar to Simplify? Power users could tweak all day and casual users could plug & play. Hopefully, Canvas will cater to both the casual user and advanced user.

The hardware is robust and capable but the heartbeat is the software/firmware. I still have my P1 profiles in Simplif圓D.